Saturday, February 14, 2009

February the 14th

Yesterday, during CF, I got a flower, a rose to be more precise, from an anonymous person. I gotta say it was a nice, warm feeling but also quite a scary one. I mean what if a guy sent it to me or maybe it was just a prank but still thank you to my anonymous friend out there who gave it to me. Furthermore, it was through a middleman or rather a middlewoman, thus tracking back doesn't work. It was my first time though and I gotta say I'm quite impressed. So you can come out from your hiding now.

For today, Sister Pam gave us all a special Valentine's Day present.


Happy Valentine's Day

Best thing to do on Valentine's without a date is to SLEEP!

As you all notice, I'm not blogging much at all. So I'll just cut to the chase. I won't be blogging very often anymore. But you'll find an occasional post now and then. God Bless!

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