Sunday, March 15, 2009


It's been a long time since I've updated my blog..a whole month now. I have to admit I'm getting lazy and my blog's dying, the hits are dropping and such. Anyways, I'm not going into long posts to cover up, just something short to fill in the massive gap. Oh well..let's begin with this week. I guess I can call it one of the worst weeks of my life, I don't think anything I've survived so far has actually lasted for a week but I'm fine now. Everyday it seems everything went wrong. This past week I even intentionally skipped class, which is quite bad already given my excuse was more sleep time. Football was so bleak this week that I don't bother thinking about it. Futsal was different though. Enough said about a horrendous week. Moving on with the next. Expecting a great week to come! God Bless!

1 comment:

Clare said...

Hey kah yun,
I know this is a lil late, but I hope ur doing all right by now?

If there's anything I can do, or even pray, do let me know ok? =)
Take care!

Remember, God is our strength and that's all we need to pull thru our daily circumstances!