Just came back from LOUD! Went there at 5pm, met Gabriel just as I got in, found out concert doors only open at 7pm. Gabriel took me for a round, then another and many more. A couple of bands performed before concert, among there was 1 Red Paper Clip, I think inspired from Kyle MacDonald who traded a red paper clip for a house. I wish I could do that. Anyways, it was Gabriel's brother's band. They did pretty well given their age and lack of experience. Then there was the sports room which had a Nintendo Wii and Dance Dance Revolution. Met David along the way and lots of juniors from WMS. Rufus and Sin Yee were there too. I was wondering when people from my year would come. The concert started later on with people rushing in the auditorium. It was estimated a little more than a thousand people there. Concert started with a countdown then a Stomp performance and a dance. Awesomely done with both and proceeded into worship by various bands. Speaker came up and gave a wonderful illustration using girls with boyfriends. Told his story and people got saved. The concert ended with the finale, which I thought was too short but still it was great fun. First time attending a concert of another church. It was good experience and hopefully I can assimilate some stuff into future CY concerts. I'm losing my touch, must be exams...
Here's something to feast your eyes on, although many people have seen it,

But how many have seen someone who has it?

Btw, it's a six string James Tyler bass guitar.
All the best in the college exams to all you people from MCKL. Hardcore studying to come. I won't be posting anything on exams. Have fun and God Bless!
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